Terms and Conditions

Access and portability requests

Erasure requests

Correction requests

General term of use of the site


The present general terms of use (hereinafter referred to as « GTU ») apply in their entirety and constitute the essential and crucial conditions of use of the intranet of the Association 42 (hereinafter referred to as « 42 »), which is a tool proposed to every student to conduct his/her tuition within 42 (hereinafter referred to as « the User ») and accessible at this address: signin.intra.42.fr.

The use of the website intra.42.fr (hereinafter referred to as « the Intranet 42 ») is conditioned by the full and complete acceptance by the User of the GTU outlined hereunder.

The User shall review the GTU prior to any validation of his/her subscription on the Intranet 42 by clicking the « Sign » button. Clicking this button results in the acceptance and the application without any objections of the GTU which shall prevail over any conditions or stipulations of the User that are not agreed by writing by 42, even when these conditions and stipulations are communicated subsequently to the subscription of the User.

These GTU may be amended or supplemented at any time. Hence, the User is requested to take notice of all new versions of the GTU that would be communicated for renewal of the acceptance thereof.

Failing acceptance of the GTU, the user cannot access the Intranet 42.

In any event, the present GTU remain systematically accessible by clicking on the page footer « General Terms of Use of the Intranet 42 », accessible from the Intranet 42.

For all inquiries relating to the Intranet 42 or to the present GTU, the User is invited to send an e-mail to [email protected].


The Intranet 42 is the computer medium that groups together, for both the Users and the Staff of 42, all of the pedagogical data and resources of 42. It enables a standalone access for each User to any information that is useful for his/her course. It is configured by the administrative and pedagogical teams of 42 to ensure smooth running of the curriculums and quality of the training.

The Intranet 42 is also essential for the smooth running of the automatic evaluations, of the exams and of the connection to the computers made available to the students.

The Intranet 42 is constituted by the following sections: * section Profile : presents the pedagogical information relating to each student; * section Project : contains the different projects of the curriculum and the related services: subscription, evaluation, teams, etc.; * section E-Learning : makes available to the users resources that are necessary (non-exhaustive) to the smooth running of their tuition, on both pedagogical and administrative levels; * section Forum : Message board between learners, accessible to the members of the staff of 42, enabling the exchange of points of view on the projects to be conducted, or serving as a relay for administrative; * section Companies : collects job and internship offers from businesses via a dedicated interface, and then makes them available to the learners; enables the input by the students who have the prerequisites, of the on-the-job vocational periods included in the curriculum; manages the agreement in the context of an internship; initiates evaluations before the internship supervisors; * section Meta : contains the FAQ covering both questions regarding the pedagogical progress as well as questions related to the facilities made available; contains a ticket system to signal problems; * section Shop : differents items (t-shirt, mug, gourd, ... depending on available stocks) accessible in local currency.

Moreover, some sections are accessible only by the members of the Staff of 42, namely:

Different services are also accessible from the Intranet 42, such as direct referral to a stackoverflow private group (stackoverflow.com/c/42network) which serves as a message board between students), as well as to remote services via the authentication system such as:

The members of the Staff of 42 also provide specific services therein, such as:

As a computer resource made available to the Users, the Intranet 42 is governed by the broader general terms of use of the computer equipment and hardware and software resources of 42. This includes compliance with the applicable law, prohibition of use of data for non-pedagogical purposes and non-use of security breaches.


The Users are reminded that their account is strictly personal: it is actually a digital representation of themselves.

Accordingly, it is prohibited to lend one’s account to a third-party, and any action pertaining to one account shall be deemed to be performed by the holder of this account.

The relevant arrangements of 42’s Internal Regulations may apply to any behavior pertaining to the use of one account.

The creation of a user account is necessary to allow participating to the pool and then conduct his/her tuition within 42. For this purpose, the User shall provide 42, during his/her subscription to the candidate space, with the data regarding him/her that shall be accurate and up-to-date (name, first name, e-mail address, etc.).

Once the account is created, the User receives an e-mail for activation of his/her user account to the indicated e-mail address. The User shall click on this link to complete his/her subscription and choose a password.

If inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information is supplied by the User and if the User fails to obtain the confirmation mail, or if an error occurs in forwarding the e-mail because of the supplied information, 42 shall not be held liable for inaccessibility to the Intranet 42, or for access by a third-party to the account of the User.

Upon his/her first connection to the Intranet 42, the User shall customize his/her password in order to protect access to his/her account.

The User is required to choose a password in accordance with the requirements detailed in Article 4 hereinbelow « RULES RELATING TO PASSWORDS ».


4.1 Passwords management rules

The User is requested to create a unique password especially dedicated to access to the Intranet 42.

Moreover, 42 recalls that every password is strictly personal and shall not be communicated to third parties, for any reason whatsoever.

The User is requested not to store his/her password written down or in a medium that can be easily accessed by third-parties.

42 might be held liable for the compromise of the passwords of the Users only to the extent that these passwords are stored on its own IT system.

In the exceptional case where such an infringement of its IT system is noticed, 42 will inform the Users in accordance with the obligations imposed upon it as data controller, pursuant to the provisions of the regulation on the protection of personal data and will propose to the Users means for renewing their password.

Any other compromise of a User password, due for example to infringements to the storage medium chosen by the User, shall not engage the liability of 42. Where a compromise of his/her password is suspected or to periodically renew his/her password, the User is requested to follow the renewal procedure accessible at this address: profile.intra.42.fr/securities.

The User is incited to periodically renew his/her password. 42 will send to the Users, on the anniversary date of the creation of the account, an e-mail containing the link enabling them to renew their password.

As such, it is strongly recommended not to renew the password with the previously used password.

Where it is impossible to renew his/her password or in the event a compromise of his/her account is suspected, the User is requested to immediately send a message to this address: [email protected].

4.2 Passwords creation rules

The password of the User: - Shall have at least 12 characters; - Shall contain at least one uppercase letter; - Shall contain at least one special character; - Shall contain at least one digit.


When editing his/her profile or when choosing his/her « Customized Title », the User is requested not to choose pseudonyms or avatars that would be contrary to the applicable legal provisions and in particular to public order and morality, to the rights of others or likely to disturb the rest of the community of Users subscribed or working within 42 (included in these restrictions humorous contents or contents intended to raise public awareness about an historical message, a topical item, etc.).


The Users are strictly forbidden to collect the personal data (name, first name, attached campus, e-mail address, pseudonyms…) of other Users of the Intranet 42, of the authors of professional advertisements such as businesses that are present on the Intranet 42, to use them for personal and/or professional purposes other than the functions intended and made possible by the Intranet 42.

These data and information are supplied for strictly pedagogical purposes and shall not, in any manner whatsoever, be used for commercial prospection, advertisement, projects promotion, private and/or public customized directories creation, etc., purposes.

Any infringement of these rules may lead to the pronouncement of disciplinary measures against the User, in accordance with 42’s Internal Regulations.


The Intranet 42 enables the exchange of communications between the different Users, in particular by means of a messaging alias as well as via Slack.

The tools enable the exchange of messages are free and cannot be moderated retrospectively, where appropriate.

The exchanges shall be limited to pedagogical and/or professional exchanges. Hence, the students shall make sure not to infringe the applicable rules as indicated in the documents « Charter of Use of Slack » and « Internal Regulations », available on the page footer of the Intranet 42 by clicking on the dedicated link.


The recommended minimum configuration for access to the Intranet 42 is as follows:

The User makes a commitment to access the Intranet 42 using hardware complying with the above-described configuration requirements and containing no viruses.


The name « 42 », the logos, mottos, domain names and any other distinctive sign of 42, represented on the Intranet 42 or used/exploited by 42, are the exclusive property of 42.

Any use, replication and/or modification that would be done without the prior written consent of 42 might constitute an act of counterfeit, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code and engage the civil and/or criminal liability of the counterfeiter, notwithstanding the right to damages and interests that 42 could claim.

The presentation and the content of the Intranet 42 constitute a work protected by the applicable laws on intellectual property and are the property of 42. No replication and/or representation, whether partial or integral, shall be made without the prior written consent of 42.

The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated footages, with or without sound, databases, software as well as the pedagogical videos and media, the computer code of the Intranet 42 and other documentations represented on the Intranet 42 are eligible for the protection conferred by the Intellectual Property Code or by the image rights and are, as the case may be, the property of 42 or of third-parties having authorized 42 to exploit them.

As such, any replication, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, whether partial or total, or transfer to another website are strictly prohibited, without the prior written consent of 42.

The same applies to the extraction and reuse of the content of the databases accessible from the Intranet 42 which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1st, 1998 on the transposition in the Intellectual Property Code of the European Directive of March 11th, 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

As such, any replication, reuse or extraction of the content of the database would engage the liability of the User, notwithstanding the right to damages and interests that 42 could claim.


In operating the Intranet 42, 42 has to collect some personal data concerning the User. In supplying the Intranet 42, 42 acts as data controller within the meaning of the regulation on personal data protection.

For more information about the personal data processed by 42, the User is requested to visit the page dedicated to personal data protection present on the Intranet 42, available via the following link: signin.intra.42.fr/legal/terms/5.

Moreover, the navigation of the User on the Intranet 42 is likely to result in the installation of cookies on the computer of the User.

For more information about the cookies used by 42 and to manage one’s preferences in this matter, the User is requested to visit the page dedicated to cookies present on the Intranet 42: signin.intra.42.fr/legal/terms/2.

All documentation regarding the personal data of the User and cookies is accessible at the bottom of the page, by clicking on the page footer « Privacy policy » or « Cookie Statement ».

The User can submit any question regarding the implemented personal data treatments and the modalities thereof, as well as exercise all of his/her rights on his/her personal data by sending an e-mail to [email protected].


42 makes every effort to supply on the Intranet 42 information that is as accurate as possible. Nonetheless, 42 shall not be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update of the Intranet 42, whether of its own doing or of that of third-party partners that provide it with this information.

The Intranet 42 is normally accessible at any time to the User. Nonetheless, an interruption for technical maintenance reasons may be decided by 42, which will then make every effort to communicate to the User the date and hour of the intervention beforehand.

42 reserves the right to modify the content of the Intranet 42 at any time and without notice, interrupt or suspend all or part of the functions of the Intranet 42 at any time and without notice. It shall not be held liable for the consequences of these modifications and interruptions.

The User is accountable to 42 and/or third-parties for any material and/or non-material damage, whether direct and/or indirect, of any kind whatsoever caused by the User and/or his/her agents due to the use of the Intranet 42 that does not comply with the present GTU.

The User guarantees 42, as well as its parent, sister or subsidiary companies, its representatives, its employees, its partners, the members of the network 42 Network, against any request, claim and/or complaint of any kind, resulting from an infringement of said provisions by the User.


Any possible litigation relating in particular to the application, the execution, the interpretation and/or the validity of the GTU and/or the use of the Intranet 42 and/or the services proposed via the Intranet 42, which could not be settled amicably between 42 and the User, shall be subjected to French Law.

Exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Paris.

Last updated: 18/05/2021